Florist supplies – Rose Cone
Florist Supplies – A Full Rose Cone
Florist Supplies – A Rose Cone
Florist Supplies – A Rose Cone Closeup
Florist Supplies – A Rose Cone Closeup
Florist Supplies – A Rose Cone
Florist Supplies – A Full Rose Cone

New Florist Supplies

We are excited to let you know that a price list for our new florist supplies range is now available. This includes some suggestions for single roses as well as wedding buttonholes and corsages. I have to be honest, but when I think about packaging, flowers isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But recently we were asked to make something to hold a single rose. This isn’t the first time that this has happened. Many years ago we produced a rose cone for a customer looking for just that. And so we dusted off the tooling that was made back then, and the new customer was thrilled with it.

It left me thinking though, do we have any other products that might be useful for a florist? The most obvious one was cylinders for holding roses. We think that an 8cm diameter cylinder is probably about right, and we have suggested our three tallest cylinders with that diameter.  They are 30cm, 42cm and 46cm.

Buttonholes and Corsages

After watching four of our children get married, we have become well acquainted with buttonholes and corsages. We think that they would fit well into a plastic box or clamshell.  In our opinion, some of our lid and base boxes as well as our clamshells are about the right size, so we have listed those.  The process for making boxes and clamshells is completely different.  Boxes are hand glued while clamshells are moulded on a machine.  That means that boxes are slower to make and more labour intensive. You won’t be surprised that this affects the price.  If you ask us for our price list, you will see that the individual price of clamshells is much cheaper, but the quantity that you need to buy is a lot more.

Our New Florist Packaging Price List

That’s the reason why we’ve made a special price list just for you. This new florist packaging price list is designed to help you easily see which option might work best for you. It includes the price of a minimum quantity of packages as well as the individual price per unit. You will see that clamshells will cost you more, but you will get a whole lot more packages for your money.  The other thing to remember is that clamshells will stack, taking up less space.  The boxes won’t, so they will need more storage room.

Another thing to consider is that the clamshells have a hanger hole in them.  That’s because they were designed for hang-sell. If that’s a problem to you, please ask us about it.  There may be things we can do.

If you’d like a price list, please just send us an email. When you do, make sure that you ask for the Florist Supplies price list.  Otherwise you will probably be sent a complete price list.  You are welcome to our complete price list, but you will find it harder to find your way around, because there’s so much there.  The Florist Supplies price list is nice and easy to follow, and everything that we think you need is on one page.  At the same time, if you are looking for a different size, or have any questions, feel free to ask us about that as well.

Check Out Our Florists Page

Everything that you need to know apart from our pricing is on our “Florist Supplies” page, so make sure you take a look.  You will find all of our recommended products and sizing there.

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Responsible to the Environment

We know. It’s plastic! I guess that doesn’t make us the most popular business with the environmentalists. It’s true!  Plastic doesn’t break down like other products, and yet it still is a packaging choice which is made because of it’s durability and it’s ability to let the customer see what’s within.

So how can we as producers of plastic products have an environmental stand? Is it even possible? I guess the biggest thing is that we have very little waste. All of our plastic is recyclable, and so we make sure that all of our scrap plastic is put into cages to be recycled. We have so little waste that our main rubbish just goes out in a wheelie bin like any residential household, and this isn’t where our scrap plastic goes. We do have a skip bin, in case there is any overflow but this also is not for plastic, and it is only emptied infrequently. We just don’t have enough waste, and we think that’s pretty good for a manufacturer.

Many years ago when we moved our business out of our home into an industrial shed, the local Environmental Protection Agency employee of the council saw our sign with the word ‘plastic’ on it and came to pay us a visit. You see there are fees payable to council by businesses that have an adverse effect on the environment.

After thoroughly examining our operation, he had to admit that we are a clean operation. There are no chemicals or anything else that can cause damage to the environment within our facility.

I’m happy to say that nothing has changed. We are still considered to be a very clean business and the EPA fee has been waived.  Our environmental stand is that we produce as little waste as possible, and all of our waste plastic is recycled.

I guess the biggest concern is what happens to our packaging after it leaves us. Once again, it is recyclable, so long as the council in your area is prepared to include plastic packaging like ours in their list of what they collect. So at the end of the day, how much of our packaging ends up in landfill is really up to our local governments.

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